A healthy employee benefit
A HSA is a tax-advantaged health account that works with high-deductible, lower-premium plans; giving your employees the opportunity to save on a pre-tax basis for current and future medical expenses. It keeps your employees engaged because they get to manage their healthcare dollars and an HSA can be a very powerful feature for attracting talent.
Benefits for your business
- Opportunity to provide high-quality coverage while staying competitive
- Employees own their HSA so unused balances roll and grow each year
- No payroll taxes on employees’ HSA contributions
- Federal tax deductions for any employer contributions to HSAs
- Dedicated support and expertise to help you reach your goals

Experience personal payment processing
Nobody wants to call customer support. But when you do, you need it to be a good experience. So, what makes for a “good experience?” What should happen when you call customer support? Our payment processing partner BASYS helps us answer that question.