Can a checking account be more than just a simple way to pay for things and manage your money? Can it actually help to support good causes and improve quality of life in your community? We believe it can. So we’re excited to offer For Good Checking, an account unlike any other.
Once you enroll, Taylor Bank will direct a portion of every debit card transaction to our For Good Fund. This money will then be donated to local nonprofits, at no cost to you. This program is designed to expand our support for organizations working to address critical needs in our communities in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. It will operate alongside our current Corporate Sponsorship Program, which remains unchanged.
A checking account with strong community benefits
The mission of the For Good Fund is to support nonprofit organizations that strengthen and enhance the communities we serve. It focuses on low-income communities, with an emphasis on neighborhood development, workforce development and education, and basic human services.
For example, neighborhood development grants might support organizations that create affordable housing opportunities for low-to-moderate-income families. Workforce development and education grants may support programs that promote financial literacy among young people and first-time homebuyers. Human services grants may help to fund basic needs and create long-term solutions for those facing economic hardship. All grants will be carefully vetted by Taylor Bank’s Giving Committee to ensure their effectiveness.
It's your choice!
Taylor Bank offers two personal checking accounts, For Good Checking and Free Checking. Free Checking is just what it sounds like – a simple, no-frills account with no monthly service fee or minimum balance.
For Good Checking, on the other hand, offers a host of benefits, even beyond the charitable aspect. It’s an interest-bearing account. Your first five ATM transaction fees will be refunded each month. And your first order of basic checks is free.
For Good checking does charge a $10 monthly fee, but that fee is easy to avoid. All you have to do is make ten or more payments with your debit card, or receive one or more direct deposits, or maintain a $1,000 average monthly balance per statement cycle. You only need to meet one of these requirements for the monthly fee to be waived. So, in effect, it can also be free checking for you – while doing a whole lot of good for those in need.
Put some heart into your checking
We believe our For Good Checking Account is a unique product within the banking industry. Customer response has been very enthusiastic, and we look forward to opening more accounts and building the For Good Fund to have the greatest possible impact. So consider upgrading your checking experience and making a positive difference in your community – a true win-win.